Type light Latest Version 3.2.032 Full Crack Free Download

Type light is a free, fully functional tool for editing and designing fonts. It allows you to easily create your own fonts, modify existing ones, as well as convert them between TTF and OTF formats. loaded into the program of the selected font can edit any indicated by the user character from the entire array. You can change the shape of the letters and numbers, rounding edges etc., And the modification of font parameters such as name, description or metric. Type light also gives you the ability to create custom fonts from scratch.


For this purpose, are available tools for drawing basic shapes, lines and curves, which is characteristic points can later be manipulated. The program offers a 10-level undo and restore mechanism changes.

Type light is a very good tool for both beginners as well as some more advanced users who want to create your own font. The tool has a built-in map of glyphs, with more than 65 thousand. Unicode characters.


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