Anti Porn crack incl patch is an automatic web/content filtering software used for blocking porn sites to save our children from porngraphy.
Possibilities and high functionality evidenced by the fact that the program is used every day by more than 8 million people around the world. In addition to basic blocking options selected pages, as well as their filtering tool offers many more useful features. These include, among others, those that allow you to block specific messaging, computer games, as well as to define the time in which you can use them and run them.
Additionally, the program is equipped with options for imposing restrictions on the time in which you can use the computer. There were also eye protection function, which after a specified time locks the computer, thus giving the user the ability to rest. Anti-Porn can also create a log of all websites visited, as well as capture and store on your screenshots (screenshots) desktop. Access to the configuration options are supplied password protected even during software installation.
Anti-Porn is characterized by high efficiency operation mainly as far as the content include in English, French, German, Russian, etc. To enjoy the full effectiveness also in the Polish language should be created in the list of key words in our language. The tool is very easy to use, and despite the lack of Polish language version of its service should not make it difficult for anyone.
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